Things to do in Sligo 5th and 6th May

Eagles Flying in Ballymote has two shows every day – one at 10.30am and one at 2.30pm. This is a fantastic place to visit for the whole family.
My Old Hometown Gurteen 4th, 5th, 6th May Country Music Festival including Jimmy Buckley, Paddy Feeney, Gerry Guthrie and more.
Sligo Chamber Festival 4th – 7th May. Taking place in St Columba’s Church Drumcliffe and The Model Sligo over the May bank holiday weekend, Sligo International Chamber Music Festival is a highlight in the annual calendar of music events.
Saturday 5th May
Dawn Chorus Paddle of Lough Gill with Sligo Kayak Tours 6am
ParkRun 9.30am – free event. Meets opposite the Cleveragh Retail Park.
The Markets – all linked below so click to find out times:
Rathcormac Country Market – one of the sponsors of Sligo Hub. Every Saturday from 10am -3pm in Branley’s Yard, Rathcormac. An undercover market selling art, jewellery, food, clothing, flowers and so much more.
Beltra Country Market, The Farmer’s Market at the IT Sligo, and Drummartin Country Market.
John McTernan chats with Terry Reilly at the Hawk’s Well Theatre 6pm
Sunday 6th May
Bealtaine Dawn Chorus with the West Sligo Singers 10am at The Beach Bar
Strandhill People’s Market celebrate their 4th birthday. Fun and games from 11am – 4pm. Hangar 1 Strandhill Airport
Cliffony Country Market is on from 11am to 1pm in Cliffony Hall.
Sligo Bay SUP Sunday 11-1 for booking info ☎️0876001588
Sligo Races. Peaky Blinders Day. Prizes for the best dressed ladies and gents. Gates open at 12 noon. First race at 1.40pm
Wellbeing with Blaithin Kings Mountain Yoga-Hike. meeting at 12pm at the school in Rathcormack Village €30
Nathan Carter at the Diamond Coast Hotel, Enniscrone 7pm