Sligo Volunteer Centre June 2019 News


Sligo Volunteer Centre facilitates regular get togethers for Local Volunteer Managers. 

These Get Togethers are an opportunity to meet with other Volunteer Managers, paid and unpaid, to get support and discuss topics with those who manage volunteers. 

The Forum is free, and typically involve an open discussion as well a presentation on volunteer management topics chosen by participants.

They are


  • informal
  • interactive
  • inspirational! 


The next Get Togethers are on:

Tuesday June 11th: 10am in the North West Hospice Building, Wine St. Carpark.

Tuesday 3rd December: 10am

Invites will be sent to all groups in advance of the GTG so send your E-mail address to if you would like to attend. Meetings will only go ahead if we have a quorum of 4 people.



New legislation brought in May 2016 has brought about significant changes to the vetting system, with further amendments since that date. Sligo Volunteer Centre process vetting on behalf of a number of affiliates. If your organisation would like to avail of the garda Vetting Service, or just find out more, this is the training for you.

Cost: €25 (further €25 to register with the GV service after training)

This event is suitable for not for profit organisations who wish to sign up to our EVetting service. Ideally the attendee will be the person who is going to be administering the vetting in their organisation. It is also suitable for Board Members. 

Please contact to book your place.  


We launched our Annual Report 2018 during National Volunteering Week 2019. It is packed with interesting information and surprising statistics ranging from the number of nationalities registered with us to how volunteering benefits your mental health. Have a look for yourself:

As always we have lots of volunteer opportunities available to view on our website. Just enter ‘Sligo’ and hit search:

This list is constantly updated and so far this year we’ve had 140 new people come to us looking to volunteer both online and in person. Many of these have attended our Volunteer Information Workshop where we helped them decide what to apply for and referred them on. If your organisation needs new volunteers, please get in touch, it’s a free service and you may be missing out on good volunteers otherwise. 

To find out more about Sligo Volunteer Centre you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.