Sligo Science Festival 2019

The Sligo Science Festival, supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), is a week-long programme of activities and events each November, which aims to make science more interesting and accessible to children and adults alike.

The Festival highlights how science, technology and engineering are hugely relevant to us all in our everyday lives, lead to interesting and exciting career options and develop creativity in our children. The Sligo event is organised by the School of Science at IT Sligo with events taking place at various locations and venues across the County during National Science Week.

There are lots of events taking place and you can find the full list here.

Some of the highlights are:

Sligo Science Fair at IT Sligo Main Campus – Sunday, 10th November 2019, 12 – 5pm

The Annual Science Fair at IT Sligo will include a wide range of performances, interactive displays and demonstrations for all the family to enjoy. Experiments, Discovery and lots of fun guaranteed for both children and adults. Shows including Airheads, Dippy the Dinosaur and How to Save the Planet in 45 minutes – Workshops including Madlab, The All Ireland Pollinator Plan, The Wonder of Marine Life, 2D Gaming, Flights of Fancy and lots lots more!

From Hare to There – Movements of the Native Irish Hare. IT Sligo. Monday, 11 November 2019, 6:30 – 7:30pm

This talk will walk you through how, by studying ancient DNA, it has been possible to discover where ancient people have moved mountain hares and why they may have done so.  No Booking Required

Carrowkeel Archaeology Walk with Sam Moore Tuesday, 12 November 2019, 9:30am – 2:30pm

The Carrowkeel passage tomb complex constitutes one of the best preserved Neolithic funerary landscapes in Europe. It is situated in the Bricklieve Mountains,Co Sligo. Pick up from IT Sligo – places are limited. Booking Required. Contact Oli Melia for more information:

Green Aware Film Afternoon Tuesday, 12 November 2019, 12:30 – 3:30pm. IT Sligo Hume Hall

Screening at 12.30-1.15, 1.30-2.15pm and 2.30-3.15pm

Climate Science – Transforming our Planet with Cara Augustenborg. Tuesday, 12 November 2019, 7:30 – 8:50pm. IT Sligo 

Cara will share her experiences and in depth knowledge on our environment and how climate change is affecting and transforming our planet.
To guarantee your seat book through eventbrite:

Green Your Life. IT Sligo. Wednesday, 13 November 2019, 10am – 3pm

‘Green Your Life’ will give individuals an opportunity to learn about ecological methods and how to become more eco and green in their everyday lives. During ‘Green Your Life’, students and visitors to IT Sligo alike will be able to meet and access suppliers & providers of eco products at their pop up shops and in turn learn more about reducing waste personally and on-campus. Check us out on social media platforms or email

Wonderstruck Rocket Show. IT Sligo Hume Hall – Wednesday 13th November Various times

The Wonderstruck Rocket Show is a rip-roaring scientific romp through the history of rockets and reaction engines in general. The show is crammed with physics and chemistry and laced with a liberal dose of history.

The Secret Life of Crows. IT Sligo. Friday 15th November 8-9pm

Ricky Whelan of BirdWatch Ireland will present a talk that has been a big hit with audiences across the country. The talk covers a variety of areas from the appearance, folklore, ecology and intelligence of the crow species we find here in Ireland. No Booking Required

Moonwalking in Sligo Friday 15th November 8-11pm

Northwest Adventure Tours torches will light the way through this ancient landscape that is steeped in history and astronomical connections. Age 12 + Places are limited. Booking Required. For further information and bookings please contact

Vampire Science with Dr Kathryn Harkup. Saturday 16th November. Sligo Courthouse 7.30 – 8.30pm

Science Communicator, Chemist and Vampirologist, Dr Kathryn Harkup will guide you through a spooky tour of the history of vampires with frightening folklore tales, blood sucking bats and sinister scientific stories of infectious disease, bacteria, viruses and decay. Booking: