Sligo Festivals 2019

If you are planning your visit to Sligo or if you live here and want some dates for your diary here are the festivals for 2019.
Yeats Winter School. January 25th to 27th. Director PJ. Matthews and guest writer Frank McGuinness facilitate a weekend of reading, exploring and thinking about Yeats’s poetry and his brother’s work, the Yeats family and the places in Sligo that inspired them.
Sligo Walking Festival. January 25th to 27th. With walks for every level of fitness taking place across the county there is sure to be a walk to suit.
1st – 9th March. Western Drama Festival, Tubbercurry. The Western Drama Festival, Tubbercurry was founded in 1944 and ever since hosts annual full length and one-act drama festivals for amateur drama groups from the 32 counties who present their plays in competition and whose apiration is to qualify for the All-Ireland Drama Finals and win and All-Ireland award.
St. Patrick’s Day 17th March. Parades throughout the county, we’ll update Sligo Hub as soon as we have the times.
30th and 31st of March at Knocknarea Arena, Sligo, IT Sligo. Change Your Mind Festival The aim of the festival is to raise awareness regarding the importance of prevention and fight against Stigma in mental health. The festival has something for people of all ages.
Bealtaine Festival. A countrywide festival running for the whole of May celebrating the arts and creativity as we age. Sligo events:
My Old Hometown Gurteen 3rd-5th May Country Music Festival.
Sligo Chamber Festival 3rd – 6th May. Taking place in St Columba’s Church Drumcliffe and The Model Sligo over the May bank holiday weekend, Sligo International Chamber Music Festival is a highlight in the annual calendar of music events.
Cos Cos Sean Nos Festival, Sligo, 6th to 12th May. Join some of the country’s finest Sean Nós dancers, musicians, singers, poets and storytellers as they gather in the shadow of Benbulben.
The Lily Lolly Yeats Festival celebrate the legacy of Susan and Elizabeth Yeats affectionately known as Lily and Lolly. Including Yeats Day on June 13th. Dates to be confirmed.
The Knocklane Festival will take place from June 21st -23rd 2019
Wild Atlantic Sea Shanty Rosses Point comes alive with shanty singers from all over the world.
Junior Davey Bodhran Experience 5th – 7th July, Gurteen, Co. Sligo
Cairde Sligo Arts Festival 11th – 19th July. Celebrating cultural diversity and inclusion and fun for all the family.
South Sligo Summer School. 14th-20th July. Summer School of Traditional Irish Music, Song & Dance held in the South Sligo town of Tubbercurry.
Ballygawley Music Festival. 19th – 22nd July. Bands to be announced.
Sligo Jazz Project 23rd-28th July. There’s a summer school, quality pub/hotel/cafe sessions and some top class musicians from all over the world.
Black Pig Festival, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo. A festival celebrating a black pig who was possessed and ate everyone in her path! There are no man eating pigs at this festival (hopefully!) but there is a funfair, fireworks, soapbox derby and more. Dates to be confirmed.
60th Yeats International Summer School will take place between 25th July – 2nd August.
Tread Softly Thursday 25 July – Saturday 3 August 2019
Tread Softly festival, inspired by Yeats’ brothers, Jack and William, explores landscape – visual, literary, ephemeral and tangible – that ignited their work and continues to rouse today’s artists, writers and thinkers.
20th Anniversary of Carmel Gunning Summer School Festival of Irish Music, Sligo Town, Ireland 8th 9th and 10th August 2019. Classes held in tin whistle, flute and Traditional song. Enquires to Director Carmel Gunning – Mobile: 00353(0)876250454. Email:
The Old Fair Day Festival, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo. 10th – 14th August A step back in time with this festival, see Ireland used to be in the fair days of the past. Family friendly event and most of it is free.
Sligo Summer Festival. 8th – 11th August. Sligo comes alive with music with the gig rig in the centre of town. Last years acts included Example, Mundy, Paddy Casey and Mike Denver.
South Sligo Walking Festival in the heart of the Ox Mountains. 2019 dates to be confirmed.
17th – 25th August. National Heritage Week. A week long celebration of our Irish heritage. Lots of free family events taking place all over the island of Ireland.
Celtic Fringe Festival, Grange, Co. Sligo. Remembering the Spanish Armada and celebrating the links between Spain and Ireland. Sept 20th-22nd
Sligo Festival of Baroque Music The Model, Sligo.
Culture Night takes place on September 20th. This is a country wide event where venues and public spaces open their doors to host a programme of free late-night entertainment, as part of an all-island celebration of arts, heritage and culture.
So Funny Sligo. 3rd-5th October. The first comedy festival for Sligo featuring Owen Colgan, David McSavage and Dermot and Dave from Today FM.
Sligo Live 23rd-28th October. Folks, roots and indie music festival. Line-up yet to be announced.
Easkey Scarecrow Festival, Sligo takes place around Halloween. Take a drive through the village of Easkey and see all the fantastic scarecrows.
Science Week, a countrywide festival celebrating science with talks, workshops, demos and more. Dates to be confirmed.
Sligo International Choral Festival where choirs come from all over the world to take part in various competitions and concerts. Dates to be confirmed.
If you have any festivals to add please contact