Sarah Sexton’s Abandoned Buildings Project

Re-imagining the Disused Space is a public art project that uses the facades of disused buildings as a source of inspiration and creativity. Artist Sarah Sexton created this project after a ten year period of photographing abandoned and derelict spaces:
“I was saddened to see the continual decay of abandoned spaces, but I really do not like to see these buildings removed because they are an important part of our heritage. I decided to renovate and re-imagine facades so that they become pride of place again on our streetscapes, and in the hope that that they might be preserved for our future. Derelict buildings are seen as an eyesore, but why not work with them and make a feature of them. Some of them have beautiful retro architecture that can be really enhanced and brought back to life”
Sarah has re-imagined three abandoned facades this year. They are Collery’s Shop and The Henry Hall in Coolaney, and Battles Bar in Dromore-West. She works closely with local Tidy Town and other community groups. Her project is funded by Creative Ireland.
“The project is about re-imagining, because instead of restoring the buildings back to the way they were, the spaces become a different version, with respect to their past. The spaces are more colourful. In Collery’s Shop for example, I found vintage wallpaper inside the building, which I decorated the shop window with. The Henry Hall and Battles were given new, hand painted signs that reflect their history”.
Sarah is looking for more disused spaces to re-imagine. She can be contacted on Facebook – Sarah Sexton Artist.