Roadworks in Sligo January 2020

There are a lot of roadworks taking place in Sligo and surrounding areas at the moment. While it’s a bit of a pain while its happening, hopefully it will result in better infrastructure and road safety.
The biggest project happening at the moment is the construction of the new Collooney to Castlebaldwin route. It even has its own website It’s great to see this actually in progress after all the accidents and loss of life on this stretch over the years. The local campaign with its reflective crosses really brought home how dangerous this stretch of road was. The project is a very large one, not due to be completed until the end of 2021. It includes the construction of 11 new bridges (over roads, rail and river) and 3 new roundabouts!
Sligo County Council have just published an updated Road and Traffic Report These are some of the main road closures, delays and diversions listed:
Western Distributor Road:
Roadworks continue on the Western Distributor Road. Temporary traffic management may be in place from time to time along the Oakfield Road and at Caltragh Interchange. Minor delays expected.
Ballydoogan Road:
Ballydoogan Road will be closed from its junction with Roger Eames Road to its junction with the L-3508 Ransboro Road from 07:00 on Tuesday, 7th January, 2020 to 18:00 on Friday, 14th February, 2020.
Also, Roger Eames Road (southern end) will be closed from its junction with Ballydoogan Road to the vehicular entrance to Mitchell Curley Park from 07:00 on Tuesday, 7th January, 2020 to 18:00 on Friday, 14th February, 2020.
N4-N15 Sligo Urban Improvement Scheme:
Retaining Wall works on the Rosses Point Road (R291) will continue next week. Traffic management will be in operation, i.e. a Stop & Go Shuttle System on the R291. Minor delays are anticipated on the Rosses Point Road and additional care should be taken.
Junction Realignment works will continue next week on the N15 / Rosses Point Road (R291) Junction. Traffic management will be in operation, i.e. lane narrowing.
O’Connell Street Enhancement Scheme Project:
O’Connell Street is closed from its junction with Grattan Street to its junction with Knox Street from 07:00 on Monday, 6th January, 2020 to 18:00 on Thursday, 30th April, 2020.
Alternative Routes will be in place via John Street, Adelaide Street, Wine Street and Knox Street.
Phase 3 works have commenced at Tobergal Lane starting at Carraig Donn – Knox cafe.
Major Pavement Roadwork’s on the N15 between the townlands of Creevykeel and Castlegal commenced on the 6th of January. Traffic Management will be in operation when required. Major delays to be expected. Motorists to exercise caution. These works are ongoing until end of February 2020.
Roadworks will take place on the N15 National Primary Road at Castlegal, Cliffoney commencing Tuesday 21st January 2020. Works are expected to last 4 days. Traffic management will be in operation and delays may be expected.
Pothole repair and Surface Drainage works will continue in the Enniscrone area. Traffic control will be in operation but no delays are expected.
Drainage works will be carried out on L27014-0 (75) Ballymeeney/Cooneen. Traffic management will be in place. Minor delays expected.
Drainage works will be carried out on L2303-26 (37) Doonflin. Traffic management will be in place. Minor delays expected.
Pavement works on the N17 at Ballinacarrow Village will commence on Monday 13th January 2020. The works will consist of planning out the existing road surface and replacing with new surface course. Ironworks (manhole lids etc.) will be raised and reset. Traffic management will be in place between form the out skirts of the village on each approach where the road will be reduced to one lane. The works are expected to last for 5 days. Motorists are advised to expect delays.