Spaces left for Sligo Splash Swim School

Phone: 087 416 4686

Beginner slots:

Tues 3-3.30 x 4 places.
Max four per class. Teacher in water. Building on water confidence and blowing bubbles, kicking with aid of instructor.

Post beginners

Mon, Tues, Wed, Sat x 1 space.
Becoming comfortable using a woggle and float in the water. Kicking prone (on front) and supine (on back.) Learning the basics of pool safety. Max five per class. Teacher in water.


Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat morning x I vacancy.
Working on aspects of Front Crawl, Back Crawl and Breast Stroke. Building on knowledge of water safety. Max six per class.

Post intermediate:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri x 1 vacancy each day. Sat x 2 vacancies.
Perfecting Front Crawl, Back Crawl and Breast Stroke and Introduction to Butterfly Stroke. Building on knowledge of water safety. Max six per class.


Wed 4.45-5.30 x 1 space
45 min classes; high level of stamina required it would suit anyone athletic, who uses swimming to support aerobic development. All four strokes covered. Lanes class, max eight per lane.


Sat 7-8am x 1 space
1 hour classes: high level of ability in all four strokes. Great fun, very intense. Ideal practice for progression to Sligo Swim Club. Tumbles, starts and finishes all perfected.
Entire pool lanes session. Ratio one instructor to eight children.