Largest Gathering Of Leprechauns Attempt 2019

SIt’ll be Leprechauns-a-Go-Go on the Sunday streets of Sligo when the St. Patrick’s Day Parade joins with local volunteers in an attempt at the Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Leprechauns World Record Attempt.
Currently the title is held by the people of Bandon Co. Cork, when they managed to bring together 1,263 people dressed as the wee folk in 2012. This year Sligo plans to take a shot at the title during the Sligo St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2019.
To enter the parade please register for free at
Local volunteers, led by Trish Kelly, thinks it’s time for a new World Champion Town of Leprechauns. They are now calling on everyone attending the parade this year to come dressed in a leprechaun costume and help support two worthy causes.
What do I need to wear:
Green/black waistcoat
White shirt/t-shirt
Black trousers
Beard – optional!
This gigantic green gathering is also helping to generate excitement around worthy local causes:
Paeds Buddy Beds
Sligo University Hospital has a busy paediatric ward with 23 beds. This year, volunteers hope to raise funds to buy buddy beds for the wards. These are special chairs that convert to a very comfortable bed so that parents or guardians staying overnight can have a more restful night. Each bed costs €1,500 – a small donation on the day will do a lot of good to local families.
Friends of Aengus
On the 16th of February 2014, Aengus Lyons was playing indoor soccer and slipped and hit his head. Aengus was left a quadriplegic and has spent most of his time since 2014 in hospitals. Our aim is to raise much-needed funds to support Aengus’ dream of returning home. Whatever funds are raised will go towards his ongoing care and towards supporting Aengus into the future. Check out Friends of Aengus across all social media platforms
Where will the Leprechaun count take place:
Immediately after the parade ends all Leprechauns can make their way over to the front of Andersons on Bridge Street where the official count and photographs will take place.
Leprechaun Entertainment:
We are asking businesses to have a special Leprechaun promotion on the 17th.
Examples so far include:
- Following the count, Andersons will host Ireland’s first Leprechaun Disco
- Swagman will host a Best Dressed Leprechaun Competition at 8pm
- First 10 Leprechauns into the Bistro Bianconi receive a free pizza
Sligo St. Patrick’s Day Parade Judges:
The 3 judges this year are:
Niall Delaney, Ocean FM
Emer McGarry, Model Niland
Ted Smith, Barton Smiths
Further Information
For further information, contact Gail McGibbon –