Invitation to a public workshop – Developing a master plan for the Wine Street car park

The Planning Section of Sligo County Council has commenced the preparation of a master-plan for the Wine Street car park in the centre of Sligo and has engaged consultants Building Design Partnership (BDP)to develop the Plan.
The aim of the new Plan will be to guide the re-development of this area into a vibrant addition to the existing commercial core of Sligo.
The BDP team, led by Landscape Architect Mehron Kirk and Architect/Regeneration Expert Sebastien Pollet, will carry out an initial stakeholder consultation on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo.
You are invited to attend this workshop and your attendance would be greatly appreciated.
A Masterplan was prepared for the area in 1999. (CBMP) This plan established a set of principles to govern the future development of the area.
Its purpose was to create a clear framework under which developers, traders and retailers could invest with certainty with regard to land use, design and other planning considerations.
The CBMP proposed the location of large-scale retail development combined with multi-storey car parking.
The Plan highlighted the importance of the creation of a high quality urban environment.
In order to create an attractive and successful public realm for the pedestrian, all bulk servicing of the commercial units was to be from Adelaide Street only.
Since 1999, several developments have been permitted by the planning authority in compliance with the provisions of the Masterplan. However, to date, only one of these permissions has been implemented (Johnston Court).
Having regard to the time that has elapsed since the CBMP was originally prepared and the limited quantum of new development that has occurred, Sligo County Council consider it necessary to review the provisions of the Plan in light of current planning and economic circumstances.
The services to be provided include:
- A review of the existing Centre Block Masterplan and the extent of implementation to date;
- Consultation with relevant landowners, existing traders, the elected members and the public;
- The preparation of a new Centre Block Masterplan which provides a viable framework for the development of this block into a vibrant addition to the existing commercial core of Sligo. The new masterplan should encourage the provision of a range of exciting commercial and residential experiences.
In accordance with the National Planning Framework’s strategic outcome of compact growth, the redevelopment of this area is seen as a unique opportunity to enhance the overall attractiveness of Sligo City Centre as a place to live and work and promote the city as a regional and national shopping and holiday destination.