Engineering Fair 2020

If you are looking for a free, family day out head to the IT Sligo this Sunday March 1st 12 – 5pm for the Engineering Fair. There will be a range of performances, interactive displays, workshops and demonstrations for all the family to enjoy.
Here is just a sample of what’s going on:
Meet Robothespian – The first and most iconic robot from Engineered Arts. Featuring an incredibly expressive range of movements and emotions, he is the perfect talking robot.
Make Air Powered Rockets – work in pairs or individually to build paper and card rockets. Once complete, we launch the rockets from our custom built launchers, supplying launch pressures up to 100 psi!
Find out about Advanced Manufacturing
Shaping the future of manufacturing – What do the following have in common? Shoes, sunglasses, knee implants, hearing aids, aeroplane parts. The answer is they can all be made using 3D printing technology!
Rough Guide to Engineering. Discover how engineers design cars that go hundreds of miles an hour, build structures that can survive earthquakes, and cook food by using only Mirrors!
Explore a new for of Transport.
Can hydrogen provide a viable method of energy storage for vehicles of the future? This hands-on workshop allows participants to design and build a hydrogen powered model vehicle.
No advanced booking required
All activities are drop in
Workshops are repeated throughout the day *
Workshops are on a first come basis with the
following sessions allocated places if required.
Information available at the workshops on the day
*3D gaming has one session only with tickets
available on the day from 12 noon at the
Fair Day reception
More information here: