Culture Night Sligo 2021

The 16th annual Culture Night returns to Sligo on Friday 17 September. Brought to us by the Arts Council, Culture Night celebrates all that makes up the richness and diversity of culture in Ireland today, connecting people to cultural activities locally and nationally and aims to open up pathways to ongoing engagement.
We have organised the Sligo Culture night events into manageable sections, Offline, Online and no booking required. This should make it easier for you to see what appeals and hopefully you’ll make an event.
No Booking Required/OFFLINE
BAHA Lady Erin Conducts : BaHa attempt to mark time and place harmoniously acting as composers responding to the embodiment and disembodiment of Lady Erin. Watch the live performance evolve as the artists play in an otherwise empty space. BaHa continue to highlight the high commercial vacancy rates in Sligo. Time: 8.30pm – 10pm Genres: Music / Performance / Visual Art. Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible. Address: 6-7 Grattan Street, Sligo.
REFLECTIONS : From Samhain to Lunasa there will be a pop up window exhibition of mixed media art by local artists. The aim of the exhibition is to reflect over the past year of lock down where 7 exhibitions were facilitated, marking the traditional celebrations of the year. Time: 4pm – Any Timepm. Genres: Visual Art. Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible. Address: The Old Pharmacy, Easkey, Co. Sligo. F26K4P5
EQUUS MOTUS by IAN CALDER : Hamilton Gallery is very pleased to host ‘EQUUS MOTUS’, a solo exhibition by artist Ian Calder. The horse is a noble, elegant and magnificent beast, both spirited, fiery, and gentle and generous. These paintings pay homage to the great horse painters of the past, Stubbs, Delacroix, Degas, Munnings and Blackshaw. Time: Any Timepm – 6pm. Genres: Visual Art. Features: Family friendly. Address: 4 Castle Street, Sligo F91 P863

SHEDWORK by Carolyn Mullholland : Hamilton Gallery is very pleased to host ‘Shedwork’, an exhibition of sculpture by artist Carolyn Mulholland, Aosdana. ‘Sheds are magical, anything can appear’ – come along and be surprised! Time: Any Timepm – 6pm. Genres: Visual Art. Features: Family friendly. Address: 4 Castle Street, Sligo F91 P863
SELF : Who are you really? Beneath all those layers, there is a ‘you’. In this poetic piece, Ultan Burke tells a tale of purity, the story of its hiding, and a story of its uncovering: the story of you, your community and your world. Time: 7pm – 7.30pm Genres: Performance / Storytelling Facilities: Café Features: Wheelchair accessible Address: Stephen Street Car Park, Sligo
NINE : NINE is a collective of individual artists based on the island of Ireland, interested in the exploration of materiality and visual art processes. Formed in 2020 in the immaterial world of online connectivity, N I N E are Helen Blake, Susan Connolly, Jane Fogarty, Elizabeth Kinsella, Laura McCafferty, Stephanie McGowan, Celina Muldoon, Kiera O’Toole. Time: 3pm – 5pm Genres: Visual Art Facilities: Café Features: Family friendly Address: The Yeats Building, Hyde Bridge, Sligo. F91 DVY4
JOHNATHON CASSIDY OPEN STUDIO : Opportunity to visit the working studio of Jonathan who paints in oils. He has been selected twice to compete in Sky Landscape Artist of the Year. The paintings are mostly painted en plein air though sometimes finished in the studio. You can see landscapes, seascapes and close-up paintings of nature. Time: 6pm – 8.30pm Genres: Visual Art Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: 2B Harmony Hill, Sligo. F91 XA97

A SLEEP AND FORGETTING : Featuring new music by artist, Leonora Neary, this audio visual presentation will take place in the main auditorium at the Factory Performance Space and will also be available to view online. With a running time of approximately 12 mins, the work will be available to view every fifteen minutes from 7:30 onwards. Time: 7.30pm – 9pm Genres: Music / Visual Art Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: The Factory, Lower Quay Street, Sligo. F91 YW63
MADE IS SLIGO – DEM0/WORKSHOP : From Fleece to Yarn with Clay Demonstration. Join Made in Sligo in their new shop at Henry Lyons. Mary Copper of Markree Woolcraft will be spinning fleece into wool on her spinning wheel. Rachel from Rachel Quinn Ceramics will run a drop in workshop for four partipants at a time using air-drying clay. Time: 4pm – 6pm Genres: Craft / Live Demo / Workshop Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: Henry Lyons, Lower O’Connell Street, Sligo
ALISON PILKINGTON – I BUILD MY OWN ISLAND : Through a series of interconnecting paintings, drawings and artists books Pilkington has produced a show at The Model that explores her connections to Sligo. A series of recurring characters inhabit surreal landscapes that evoke lakeshores, seashores and distant mountain ranges. As is particular to Pilkington’s practice, she draws on eclectic references from the poetry of WB Yeats to the paintings of El Greco and the cinematic imagery of Ridley Scott and Andrei Tarkovsky; all of which collide and merge in a richly allegorical body of work. Time: 4pm – 7pm Genres: Visual Art Features: Wheelchair accessible Address: The Model, The Mall, Sligo. F91 TP20
JACK BUTLER YEATS – A SALT WATER BALLAD : We are proud to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Jack Butler Yeats in his home town of Sligo. This very special exhibition entitled Salt Water Ballads, showcases for the very first time, a suite of 21 newly conserved, sea-themed watercolours, as well as Yeats’ own collection of model boats. These pieces were generously gifted to The Model in 2018 by a private donor, and were conserved thanks to support from the Heritage Council in 2020. New original artworks by Yeats were revealed during the conservation process, and they will be on view, alongside several other maritime works, for visitors to enjoy in public for the very first time. These works tell the fascinating story of Theodore, the Pirate, a character invented by Yeats, and documented in several of his artworks and stories. The evening will include pop-up maritime-themed activities in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Jack B. Yeats. Time: 4pm – 7pm Genres: Museum / Visual Art Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: The Model, The Mall, Sligo. F91 TP20
KOBE TRIO : The ensemble have concocted a collection of some beautiful soundscapes, weaving their original compositions and intertwining them integrally into their solos. Each musician has brought out the finest in each other, together working in an ambient meditative place while leaving plenty of room for improvised antics. Their energetic ostinatos blended with expansive harmonies provide the back drop to rich solos. “One of the finds of 2020” Linley Hamilton, BBC Northern Ireland. Time: 6pm – 7pm Genres: Music Facilities: Café Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: Yeats Building, Hyde Bridge, Sligo. F91 DVY4
LET THE PIRATES IN : Cartoon classes concentrating on the pirate drawings of Jack B Yeats; for teenagers aged 13-18. Time: 4pm – 6pm Genres: Workshop Features: Wheelchair accessible Address: The Yeats Building, Hyde Bridge, Sligo. F91 DVY4
HOPE : Window display Fine art. Charcoal drawings by Yvonne Henry. Photography by Tony Henry Both Yvonne Henry and Tony Henry are living and from Sligo and are involved in the creative world since childhood. Hope shines from the darkness. Both artists pieces are inspired by light colour life emerging from the dark as the dark times they were created in. Hope… life.. Time: Any Timepm – Any Timepm Genres: Visual Art Features: Family friendly Address: 2 High Street, Sligo
THE TREE OF POSSIBILITIES : Be a part of an interactive art installation with artists Bettina Seitz, Donncadh O’Callaghan and Sandra O Malley. Take a moment to write down your thoughts on what the possibility of the future holds for you and hang that message like a ripe apple from a life size tree sculpture. Time: 6pm – 8pm Genres: Other Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: The Factory, Lower Quay Street, Sligo. F91 YW63 – BOOK NOW Website:
ARBORICULTURE NIGHT : Arboriculture is the cultivation and study of trees. Join us in the Community Garden to creatively explore trees and biodiversity with an exhibition, demonstrations and art workshops for all ages, every hour between 4 and 8pm To accelerate Covid screening on the day, you can register here in advance: Time: 4pm – 4.30pm Time: 5pm – 5.30pm Time: 6pm – 6.30pm Time: 7pm – 7.30pm Genres: Heritage / Other / ScienceFeatures: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: Community Workshop, Cranmore Road, Sligo

BOG GO BOG : We invite you to mindfully celebrate Culture Night with rejuvenating family friendly yoga delivered through the Irish Language. Through conscious movements Actor & movement facilitator Miriam Needham will guide you through the physical and mental space. Participants will hear our beautiful Irish Language describing body parts, actions and feelings. Suitable for beginners and experienced yogi alike. No prior knowledge of the Irish language is required. Comfortable clothing advised. Please bring your own mat or towel. Please read Hawk’s Well Theatre’s new Covid-19 Guidelines before you arrive. Masks must continue to be worn & we will also require patrons to present proof of vaccination/recovery. TIME: 1:10pm – 1:50pm Free but advanced booking essential. Time: Any Timepm – Any Timepm Genres: An tOireachtas / Performance / Talk / Theatre / Tour Facilities: Bar Features: Family friendly / Gaeilge / Wheelchair accessible Address: HAWKSWELL THEATRE, F91 X77K BOOKNOW
CAPTURED IN SONG – CATHY JORDAN : Captured in Song’ is the culmination of over a year’s work during lockdown, where Cathy found liberation and freedom in songs. For this very special show Cathy will be joined by a wonderful selection of musicians and singers including Nuala Kennedy, Anna Heuston, Seamie O’Dowd, Claudia Schwab and Peter Crann and his ‘Crankie Box’. Time: 8pm – 10pm Genres: Music Features: Wheelchair accessible Address: Temple Street, Sligo BOOK NOW
KYLE RILEY – LITTLE FOLK : Kyle Riley presents his engaging, entertaining, and energetic show Little Folk. Kyle will lead children on a musical adventure playing his catchy original tunes, pop songs and traditional children’s music. For your under 8’s, your rock toddlers and little boppers in between. It’s good fun for the whole family. Little Folk – Jump. Shake. Sing Time: 3.30pm – 4.15pm Genres: Music Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: Temple Street, Sligo BOOK NOW
THE GREAT CULTURE NIGHT MUSIC JAM : Music jam in the river garden, encouraging young students to come and play together in our roofed garden outside. Time: 4pm – 6pm Genres: Music / Performance Features: Family friendly / Wheelchair accessible Address: The Yeats Building, Hyde Bridge, Sligo. F91 DVY4. BOOK NOW
PIZZICA ITALIAN DANCE WORKSHOP : ‘Pizzica’ is a traditional Italian dance from the South of Italy (Salento-Puglia region) enriched by the history and the myth of the “Spider bite” related and known as therapeutic dance worldwide. It is very popular in recent years as solo performance on stage during festivals and celebrations. All welcome to join this cultural dance workshop with ElianaValentini dance teacher, performer, art
director and visual artist of Infinitwirl Dance Project. Time: 8pm – 8.45pm Genres: Dance / Workshop Features: Family friendly Website: BOOK NOW
All of the above events have spots available at time of publishing. Hope you enjoy Culture Night Sligo. Find our more on Culture Night here.
See previous Culture Night Sligo here