Active Age Groups

Age is only a number. If you are feeling isolated or would like to make friends there are 15 Active Age groups in County Sligo. From Ballinafad to Tubbercurry and almost everywhere in between. If there isn’t one in your area you can contact Active Age Ireland and they will help you set one up.
Sligo Sports and Recreation Partnership have a lot of activities open to keep people active at all ages. These include bowling, dancing and more. You can find out more about their services here.
The Sligo Libraries have different workshops to suit all ages including book clubs, writing groups, craft meeting and more.
The Bealtaine Festival, celebrating arts and creativity as we age, takes place countrywide during the month of May. You can find out more details of the Sligo events here.
You might also be interested in becoming a volunteer. Sligo Volunteer Centre is a one-stop-shop for volunteering. They have lots of roles available including befriending, shop assistants, fund raising and so much more. You can check out the website here.
For the attention of Active Age Groups
Policy has moved to supporting people’s choice to stay at home when recuperating from illness, trauma or surgery, and when people have ill health or disability at any age.
In line with this we currently provide meals within a 5 mile radius of Sligo town and along the North Sligo route to Tullaghan. Meals cost €6 per day, and on most routes are available 365 days per year.
We would like to let your members know of the service, should they need 1 to 7 meals per week, even for a short time.
We can provide meals to a group meeting or gathering. This allows people to see what the service is really like, and to make an informed decision if they want to order meals at any time.
I would like the opportunity to talk to you about this.
Many Thanks
Lorna Reid