A comprehensive introductory course, to the essentials of observational drawing with artist David Smith

David Smith is a Sligo based Irish artist, who has just moved back home after 11 years in Hong Kong. He works primarily in painting and occasionally in music and photographic projects. David will be teaching a comprehensive introductory course, to the essentials of observational drawing.
This course will introduce 5 distinct sections that build up to give the participant a solid foundation in drawing from direct observation. Topics and skills covered include; measurement & proportion, sighting and triangulation, the picture plane, ellipses and linear perspective, contour and cross contour, line quality and tempo, Notan value drawing, parts of light and shadow. This course will be focused on acquiring technical proficiency and the development of perceptual skills.
The course will run at The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon over 8 Saturdays and costs €250 for the 8 sessions. Starting on Saturday 14th September , the dates are Saturdays 14th, 21st September;12th, 26th October; 9th , 16th November and 7th, 14th December . All days start at 11 am and will finish at 4 pm with an hour for lunch.
To find out more and to book please visit The Dock website.